Saturday, October 23, 2010

Is it November yet?

The past two weeks have been crazy busy here at home for Kevin and I. Between family commitments, work, cakes, and trying to sort through travel arrangements, there is little time left for anything else. As it stands, I'll be leaving for America on the last day of my busiest month yet, November. There are exactly 37 days remaining until I fly out to my first stop, San Francisco, where I will reconnect with a city I fell in love with 6 years ago, only this time I’ll have a different interest to steer my adventures: All things baked.

I’m so excited to be staying with a warm, bubbly, outgoing and free spirited friend Zeina and her incredibly creative fiance Dave. I’ll be bringing Zeina along to a couple of classes at Baking Arts, where festive pies, cupcakes and cookies are on the menu. I’m especially looking forward to taking our creations home, and enjoying them with hot tea, and then again with coffee the next morning!…( I’ll just leave out the part about me going for a run twice a day to burn off twice as many brownies, cookies and cakes consumed). Before I get carried away writing about what I have planned for San Fran, I must remind myself of my ever growing to-do list right here at home.

Sweet sweet Sydney 
I have this list that seems to be growing to be more demanding each day. As much as I’m looking forward to packing my bags and heading for California, there is so much finalise before I leave. Most of these small tasks seem like a piece of cake, yet when I start knocking something off the list one by one, I remember three times as much that needs to be taken care of.

Here's some fun stuff!...

Something I'm ultra excited about... I'll be assisting yet another incredible cake designer with a workshop at Faye Cahill's cake studio. Take a peek at Faye's website for class details and info on how to secure your place!

In other exciting news, over the past two weeks, I have been working with a great friend named Richard de Stoop to produce a ‘My Sweet Stuff’ logo and graphics. Anyone who knows me can probably sense my fascination with all things 50’s. I love the art and animation, bold use of colour, the femme and oh so sophisticated frocks, the music, the stripes and polka dots, and how us modern day kids are borrowing the style because suddenly, our world grew too clinical over night. I guess I can leak that the logo involves a caricature, sweet delightful looking cakes, and a font of old! I’ve been so tempted to post the pictures of the drafts as they come through, but I guess it may be better to wait until its all finalised.

Considering its currently stupid o’clock on this rainy Saturday night, I’ll leave with some pictures of cakes from the past couple of weeks, and try get some shut eye… I’ve got a massively busy week ahead of me. Busy is good, right?

My most recent cakes

For Danzel's Christening, Giselle's 31st, and Donna's 50th

A decent picture of Lauren's engagement cake

Yummy layers of Chocolate, vanilla and white chocolate ganache

A lovely confirmation cake for Luka and Ivana

A moulded cross cake topper

Amanda's fun polka dot 23rd birthday cake

If you haven't already, look My Sweet Stuff up on Facebook!

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