Thursday, May 26, 2011

The United Sweets of America - Part 3

Way too comfortable to be a tourist...
That's how I felt during my time in San Francisco. Each day rolled into the next, and I very quickly stepped into the rhythm of the city. I spent my free time wandering about. I was in and out of stores and cafes in the Mission, jumping on and off the trains and buses, and taking in the chilly weather while sipping coffee out of a blue paper cup. 

So it must be said, I did walk into an obscene number of bakeries. This much is obvious. Though I was keen on finding out what the local favourites were, I didn't sample cakes unless I genuinely had a hankering for something sweet. For me, thats usually at about 3 pm, or just after dinner time. If my belly was a bottomless pit, this would be a bottomless blog, but hey! -I still have a couple definitely worth writing about...

Mission Minis
Like something off the set of Pleasantville!

When I walked into Mission Minis, I decided that I definitely needed to sample something, after all, it was 3pm. I decided to purchase 2 items off the menu, the Ruby Red Velvet, and the vegan option, Banana Maple (yep! I'm all about vegan options). So I took my little paper plate and parked myself on the gorgeous pink park bench out front of the store. I tried the banana maple first. Moist and fluffy, everything I love about a banana cupcake. This was definitely one of the most impressive vegan cakes I have ever tasted... that is, no milk, eggs, butter or cream- ingredients paramount to a good cupcake. Well, not anymore! When I took a bite out of the Ruby Red Velvet cupcake, I realised just how much I love this cake flavour, coupled with their gorgeous cream cheese frosting. In Australia, red velvet cake is not  often an option, so I do like to indulge whenever I'm in an American bakery. A worthy choice, and one worth going back for.
Vintage simplicity. Perfect.
When I finished my little morsels of Mission Mini goodness, I went back into the bakery and asked permission to take photos for the purpose of this blog. I was graciously offered the opportunity to go into the kitchen and take a look at the production process, and to photograph it as well. I was in cupcake kitchen heaven! 
My scrumptious Ruby Red Velvet, and Banana Maple minis.
Loved the tip jar too!
Behind the scenes at Mission Minis. 

Mission Minis
3168 22nd Street
between Mission 
and Capp, 
San Francisco, 
California 94110

Loving Cup

One night while out with friends on Polk St, we stumbled across this charming little dessert spot. I was so excited by the  whole concept of this place, with its main focus on one of my all time favourites, the humble rice pudding. The lead up to the holidays is a very exciting time to be traveling through the states. It's season of wonderful cinnamon, spice and pumpkiny flavours. I took my time absorbing the old time feel of this lovely store. I also took my time deciding which flavour to try! Of course, I tried the pumpkin pie flavour. I only wish I had more time to go back and try the nutella flavour! Rice pudding and nutella... Seriously. 

Of course,  it was a Saturday night, and we were on our way to hang out at a bar, so I took my rice pudding along in a little white cup, and held onto it to enjoy at home as a midnight sweet treat. and what a delightful treat it was! I just can't wait to go back to Loving Cup. Everything about it was warm and homely ... I was taken back to childhood memories, of  my mother cooking up her Lebanese style rice pudding with orange blossom water, sugar and  lemon rind. Cheeky memories of how I would impatiently dip my spoon into the little red printed cocktail dessert cups, before they had adequately chilled.  

The frozen yogurt wall menu.
 Beautifully designed!
In fact, everything about this place made me want to put on a Billy Holiday record, and pretend that I wasn't born in 1984.

The proud store owner Liz

Of course, everything in the store is organic. Even better.

Loving Cup

2356 Polk St

San Francisco, CA


Coming Up

My hunt for the best bakeries in Napa, and my time with Petalsweet in San Diego

Find me on Facebook! Look for My Sweet Stuff and become a fan:)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The United Sweets of America - Part 2

Baking Arts
San Francisco

When I made the decision to make San Francisco apart of my sweet little trip to the states, I began to research where I could catch a few great baking classes. I was hoping to find a studio that would be cozy and inspiring. One where I might be able to learn how to make an awesome American style apple pie, some pastry, and to basically get an introduction to a few things I've never attempted. So I emailed a few bakeries and other establishments that seemed to be offering classes, but no such luck. That is, until I found Baking Arts. 

I emailed to find out about November and December classes, as the schedule had not yet been created. To my delight I was asked to suggest the classes I was most interested in, so that an effort would be made to hold those classes on the dates that suited me. So naturally I said pies and croissants. When I arrived to my first class at Baking arts, I was overwhelmed by the wonderful aroma of pastries browning in the oven. It was a great class to kick off my American baking adventure - Apple Pie. 

Richard Festen is the brilliant man behind this gorgeous boutique baking school.  Blessed with a captivating teaching style, Richard delivered an exceptional lesson outlining the do's and donts of pie dough. He was calm, relaxed, and perfectly connected. The results of this class were fabulous, and I could not fault the crust or the filling. So I'm a pastry snob - there - I said it. I don't eat it every day, but If I'm going to indulge in 2 days worth of my calorie intake, well it had better be worth it. Congratulations Mr. Festen. This recipe has officially murdered any other pie recipe I have ever attempted to create. 

The 2 images of the striped cakes are the results of that class
So the next class I took was the famous, impossibly perfect Baking Arts 'Stripe' cake. For anyone who has heard of Richard Festen of Baking Arts, you'd know that he is one of the few who is an expert with modeling chocolate, and of course, the incredibly perfect stripe design cake. I just had to get myself into one of these classes. To avoid disappointment, I booked a private class. Best decision I ever made! The lesson began mid morning and I must say, I wondered how in the world I'd manage to walk out of the studio with a cake that didn't look like a hot mess. If the pictures I'm posting are any indication of Richards teaching method, then I just don't know what is. Understandable, and achievable!

My cake, and of course, the awesome Richard Festen
This gorgeous loft style boutique is the perfect environment for a creative baker. The natural light pours in through the floor to ceiling windows, and adds something special to this hands on experience. For my last class, croissants, I brought along Zeina. We made the pastry dough, and experimented at home. Our best results were our scrumptious basil, pumpkin, and danish feta filled croissants. Americans generally don't eat pumpkin as a savoury food item, but I'd like to think I changed that... well, at least for Zeina. And how could I forget, trusty nutella filled croissants too!

Richard is such a great person to work with. Baking arts is most definitely a school I have every intention of going back to - I'd love to one day say that I've taken all the classes on offer, but that may take me a while, along with a lot of late nights writing and photo editing! One of the great results of this venture was getting the opportunity to assist Richard on his first ever teaching trip to Australia. I was so happy to be assisting his modeling chocolate class  at the wonderful Faye Cahill Cake Design studio, in my very own neighborhood. I don't know what I'm more excited about - going back to Baking Arts in San Fran, or having Richard come back to teach here!

Have a good look at the Baking Arts schedule, even if you don't know when your next visit to San Francisco will be...(it just may be enough to inspire a visit) The classes are well priced, and theres so much to choose from, catering to all skill sets and tastes. I couldn't recommend it more!

My gorgeous friend Cari from
 Atlanta Georgia and I,
(another incredible baker)
enjoying the first slice with me!

Baking Arts

542 Brannan #410
San Francisco, CA 94107

Up next:
More Mission bakeries, and my search for the best bakery in Napa!

Find me on Facebook!
Look for My Sweet Stuff, love connecting with other food and travel enthusiasts!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The United Sweets of America - Part 1

On the 30th of November 2010, I left Sydney Australia and settled in the land of soy milk and organic honey, California, USA. For as long as I've been a keen traveler, the States have always been a place of great discovery and inspiration, especially in my past life as a high school visual arts teacher. This time, I was looking more specifically at a different type of art, and that is edible art... namely the good stuff that comes out of bakeries and cake design studios. Meanwhile, I have just spent the last hour going through the photos and notes I made along the way, and I have no idea how I'm going to write this blog entry. I have so much I'd love to share, and I guess I'm just going to have to do my best to not confuse you! So best to start at the beginning.
Here goes...

The Mission
San Francisco
It had been 6 long years since the last time I had set foot in San Francisco. My first time, I was an eager 20 year old student travelling with my best friend Amanda, and younger sister Jess. We were definitely 'tourists'. Coming out of the airport this time was very different. An eerily familiar feeling came over me, and things weren't so new. I simply felt comfortable.

I hopped into a cab, called my wonderful cousin Zeina, and within minutes,  we met at Philz Coffee, in the Mission. Zeina and I spent a quick hour getting me settled in with a run down of what there is to see, do, and eat locally. There was clearly so much going on in the neighbourhood, and I was so excited about that! From that afternoon onward, my time in San Francisco was a colourful blur of incredible people, inspiring classes, and beautiful bustling bakeries.

Walk with me...
What I love about this eclectic neighbourhood, is the international produce sellers, vibrant cafe's and eateries, and expecially, the art. The mission lacks none of the above, if anything its flowing out onto the streets. Even around the most unsuspecting corner, you're sure to find something worth paying attention to. Zeina was all to excited to take me to one of her favourite local places to eat -  Cafe Gratitude, so we took a walk over for a late lunch. 

I had never taken a walk through this side of San Francisco before and I couldnt help but snap pictures of the colourful store fronts, and street fruit vendors. For a fruit fly like myself, this was all too exciting! I especially loved the fruit van pictured to the left - I wish I had one of these on my street at home!

Cafe Gratitude
Cafe Gratitude is a wonderful spot to eat the specialises in vegan, organic, sustainable eating - however - the amazing thing is, most of the menu items are raw. Yes, raw. That is, uncooked and nutrient rich. I indulged in a hazelnut milk latte and a cooked item off the menu, a stunningly tasty creamy cauliflower soup. I also ordered an amazing quinoa grain bowl (that I still dream about) and to finish, a scrumptious coconut cream pie - I still talk about this place, and I recommend it to anyone that ventures into San Fran. The reason why, is because this place impressed me to no end. This incredible eatery is welcoming, warm, and encourages a deep focus on a world of plenty, and knowing your daily blessings. What a great place visit - even for the keen carnivore. Visit the website - such a great concept!

Cafe Gratitude
2400 Harrison Street (@20th Street)
San Francisco, CA 94110
Phone: (415) 830-3014
Fax: 415.695.1989
Hours: 10 am to 10 pm
Notice that I do not have any photos of the soup or grain bowl - I completely forgot to take photos of them because I was far too distracted wondering how they were made so well! 

The next day during the later hours of the afternoon, before my first class at Baking Arts with the beautiful Richard Festen, I found myself wandering the streets of the Mission yet again. I decided it may be a good idea to pack my trusty camera, a little notebook, and away I went. So glad I did. Here's what I found...

La Victoria
Mexican Bakery and Cafe

What an absolutely charming place to spend a lazy afternoon! I was greeted by the friendly store owner Jaime, who was more than willing to talk about his wonderful concept. An authentic Mexican bakery and cafe. Still hosting lots of the classic American favourites like pound cakes, brownies and cupcakes, La Victoria boasts a colourful and tempting array of cookies, cakes, pastries, breads and savoury treats.

I sampled a lemon pound cake with my tea, and it was lovely. I was so thrilled to hear that La Victoria opens its generous doors to aspiring bakers and cooks, allowing these young creative food lovers to cook in a professional environment, and develop their skills. As most of us know, setting up a cafe or bakery is a very expensive venture. These up and coming foodies are provided with an opportunity to launch their brands and create a profile for their own businesses, all while using the facilities at La Victoria. Genius, and generousWhy don't more people think this way? If you're ever in the area, support a business that supports aspiring bakers and cooks!

La Victoria
2937 24th St San Francisco, CA 94110 phone: 415 642 7120 fax: 415 642 7124

* * *
Up next:
More Mission bakeries, classes at Baking arts, and of course, my search for the best bakery in Napa!

Find me on Facebook!
Look for My Sweet Stuff, would love to hear from you :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Is it November yet?

The past two weeks have been crazy busy here at home for Kevin and I. Between family commitments, work, cakes, and trying to sort through travel arrangements, there is little time left for anything else. As it stands, I'll be leaving for America on the last day of my busiest month yet, November. There are exactly 37 days remaining until I fly out to my first stop, San Francisco, where I will reconnect with a city I fell in love with 6 years ago, only this time I’ll have a different interest to steer my adventures: All things baked.

I’m so excited to be staying with a warm, bubbly, outgoing and free spirited friend Zeina and her incredibly creative fiance Dave. I’ll be bringing Zeina along to a couple of classes at Baking Arts, where festive pies, cupcakes and cookies are on the menu. I’m especially looking forward to taking our creations home, and enjoying them with hot tea, and then again with coffee the next morning!…( I’ll just leave out the part about me going for a run twice a day to burn off twice as many brownies, cookies and cakes consumed). Before I get carried away writing about what I have planned for San Fran, I must remind myself of my ever growing to-do list right here at home.

Sweet sweet Sydney 
I have this list that seems to be growing to be more demanding each day. As much as I’m looking forward to packing my bags and heading for California, there is so much finalise before I leave. Most of these small tasks seem like a piece of cake, yet when I start knocking something off the list one by one, I remember three times as much that needs to be taken care of.

Here's some fun stuff!...

Something I'm ultra excited about... I'll be assisting yet another incredible cake designer with a workshop at Faye Cahill's cake studio. Take a peek at Faye's website for class details and info on how to secure your place!

In other exciting news, over the past two weeks, I have been working with a great friend named Richard de Stoop to produce a ‘My Sweet Stuff’ logo and graphics. Anyone who knows me can probably sense my fascination with all things 50’s. I love the art and animation, bold use of colour, the femme and oh so sophisticated frocks, the music, the stripes and polka dots, and how us modern day kids are borrowing the style because suddenly, our world grew too clinical over night. I guess I can leak that the logo involves a caricature, sweet delightful looking cakes, and a font of old! I’ve been so tempted to post the pictures of the drafts as they come through, but I guess it may be better to wait until its all finalised.

Considering its currently stupid o’clock on this rainy Saturday night, I’ll leave with some pictures of cakes from the past couple of weeks, and try get some shut eye… I’ve got a massively busy week ahead of me. Busy is good, right?

My most recent cakes

For Danzel's Christening, Giselle's 31st, and Donna's 50th

A decent picture of Lauren's engagement cake

Yummy layers of Chocolate, vanilla and white chocolate ganache

A lovely confirmation cake for Luka and Ivana

A moulded cross cake topper

Amanda's fun polka dot 23rd birthday cake

If you haven't already, look My Sweet Stuff up on Facebook!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Love Thy Neighbour

Nearby to my apartment, is the production studio and boutique of one of Australia’s best cake decorators, Faye Cahill. I am blessed to say that Faye has allowed me on many occasions to come in to her studio on my days off, to help out with what I can, and to get a feel for working in that environment. Getting to see how this genius works (not to mention her team of amazing artists), has been the greatest experience of my year in cakes. She has provided me hints and pointers that I probably would have never figured out alone, and has been so generous with her time and knowledge.. such a lady! Faye has a way of creating the perfect cake hybrid - contemporary, chic, classic, timeless.

Faye has graciously offered me the opportunity to assist her at her workshops. So far, the workshops have been absolutely awesome, with a couple more scheduled before the end of November. Spending my Sundays in a studio full of creative people who love cake, and love Faye’s style, and only wish to progress and get better?… can hardly call it work! I shamelessly plug her work and classes at every chance I get. If you find yourself curious about this genius, or if you’re all about classes, peep her website and face book fan page.

Faye has pointed me in the right direction when it comes to all things cake and supplies. On a few occasions, we’ve chatted about our overseas adventures, and I must say, the more I talk about America, the more I find myself on expedia. Kevin and I knew that we would spend Christmas of 2010 in the states. The thought of a white Christmas, pumpkin pie, herbal tea, and Christmas morning with my American family warms my heart. Since getting serious about cakes, I decided it would be a good idea to take some of the information Faye has provided me with, and research some options for workshops. I was certainly not prepared for what I’d find.

Fly Lola fly!
On the 30th of November 2010 , I will be flying out to the U.S.A three weeks ahead of schedule to take part in some exciting workshops on the west coast. So far, I have planned to take classes at Baking Arts in San Francisco. I’ve heard so many great things about Baking Arts, and in particular its founder, Richard Festen… and best of all, I get to go back to San Francisco! It’s been six long years since having spent time there. Too long!

Another place I’ll be taking some classes is San Diego. Now I’ve never even been to this city, and I can’t think of a better reason than to have one on one lessons with Jacqueline Butler of Petalsweet. After Faye suggested that I have a look at the The Petalsweet Blog, I made the decision to write Jacqueline, and find out if she was able to take me on as a student for a few days in December. Jacqueline has been amazingly accommodating, supportive, and so open to my ideas and suggestions. If she is an indication of what people are like in San Diego, I'm afraid I may never leave!

I'm doing my best to plan a visit to Washington DC too. I have always wanted visit Warren Brown's bakery, Cake Love. That should be easily done considering I'll be spending Christmas with my family in Pittsburgh,d one of my favourite places in the world. Considering DC is about a 5 hour drive away, I don't have any excuses... besides a blizzard... does that count?

I find myself very eager to truly experience the baking culture of the USA. I have always had an attachment to America for so many different reasons. I love that each state has its own flavour and cultural identity. I love its quirky coffee shops and charming diners… the colourful coastal towns that meet the rolling green hills of the country. I love the roaring cities and shopping strips that don’t sleep. I love that no matter where I go, I’ll be able to find an over sized cup of tea and a generous serve of cake to celebrate the 8 pairs of shoes I bought earlier for $12 a pair. I just love the place. It really is that simple!

I have so much to be excited about, and so much to give thanks for. I cannot wait to meet these wonderful people working in the American cake world. I'm so looking forward to discovering whatever is in store for me! In the meantime, I'll keep blogging and keeping myself elbow deep in ganache and fondant.

This weeks cakes
An Elmo and Jungle friends themed first birthday cake

A lovely engagement cake
(Yep... I know. Stop using the iPhone)